Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack today called on leaders of the House Appropriations Committee to fund the Projects of National and Regional Significance (PNRS) program in the remainder Fiscal Year 2013 upcoming spending bills.  Last year, Loebsack led the way to include an authorization for $500 million in the Highway Bill (MAP-21) for the PNRS program to fund large, regionally significant transportation infrastructure projects, such as the I-74 Bridge.  Loebsack called on House Appropriators to fully fund this program while crafting future appropriations bills to ensure I-74 can compete for funding and move forward as quickly as possible.

"As you may be aware, contained in MAP-21 is an authorization of $500 million for Projects of National and Regional Significance (PNRS) for Fiscal Year 2013," Loebsack wrote to House appropriators.  "As the final FY13 Appropriations process further takes shape with H.Res.778 expiring on March 27, 2013, I respectfully request full funding be provided for this critical program to ensure large scale infrastructure projects can move forward in a timely fashion and that the House work with the Senate to ensure the PNRS program meets bipartisan goals of creating jobs and growing our economy."

A copy of the full letter can be viewed here.


Editor's note: politics as usual in Washington. When are we, the people, going to do something significant about our mis-representation in Washington?

With only days until sequestration hits, Loebsack calls for immediate action

Washington, D.C. - With only four days until the devastating impact of sequestration set to take effect, Congressman Dave Loebsack today called on House leadership to keep Congress in session and working until a bipartisan way to stop the cuts is reached.  Loebsack has been opposed to the arbitrary, across the board cuts that were created by the Budget Control Act, which he voted against.

Loebsack has also been leading the charge in Congress to cut the pay of Members of Congress.  He again called for passage of his meaningful legislation to show the American people that Members of Congress have a personal stake in reducing the deficit.  Loebsack's legislation, the CHIP IN and Cut Congressional Pay Act, would cut Members of Congress' pay by 10 percent and repeal the automatic pay increases.

"As I have said repeatedly, allowing sequestration to occur and putting politics ahead of jobs, the economy, and our national security would be the height of irresponsibility," wrote Loebsack in a letter to House leaders.  "Congress must work every day to stop sequestration.  The House of Representatives should not take a single day off until a balanced, bipartisan solution is reached.  I urge you to work with the Senate and with the Administration to find such a solution and to keep the House working until a solution is reached."

House Republicans vote to go on nine day recess despite threat of sequester

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack today expressed dismay that House leadership will allow Congress to go into recess for nine days with the threat of across the board, arbitrary cuts known as sequestration set to begin on March 1st.  This recess leaves only four legislative days to try and find a way to stop these devastating cuts.  Loebsack continues to express his opposition to letting the automatic, across the board spending cuts contained in sequestration take effect.

"It is unconscionable that Congress is taking an undeserved week-long recess when the deadline to avert sequestration is only 14 days away.  I have called on Congressional leadership for months to get to work on finding a solution to stop these arbitrary, across the board cuts," wrote Loebsack in a letter to Congressional leaders. "There is no reason for Congress to not remain in Washington and work toward a solution.  Iowans expect Congress to work on their behalf, not skip town instead of making the tough decisions needed to avert the real life consequences sequestration will have on the economy, Iowans, and people across the country.  I urge you to keep Congress in session and get to work."

A copy of the full letter can be found here.


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack today questioned the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Deputy Secretary of Defense at a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the impacts of sequestration on our military.  Loebsack continued to express his opposition to letting the automatic, across the board spending cuts contained in sequestration take effect. He has concerns about the affects of sequestration on national security, including the operations at the Rock Island Arsenal and the Iowa Army Ammunition Plants.  He questioned General Ray Odierno, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, about the impact of these arbitrary cuts on the Army's arsenals and depots.

"I was opposed to these arbitrary, across the board cuts, known as sequestration, since they were first proposed last year.  They do not make sense for our budget and they certainly do not make sense for our nation's defenses.  I strongly believe we must reduce the unsustainable deficit, but this is not the way to do it. I am greatly concerned about the long-term effects of sequestration on our readiness and the workforce at our nation's arsenals and depots, including the Rock Island Arsenal and the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant.  The organic industrial base and its workforce are critical to our readiness and ability to respond to a national security contingency.  As a military parent, we have to ensure our troops serving overseas have the best equipment available to them.  We cannot allow these cuts to take place," said Loebsack.

Video of the discussion can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjrGfhTGBeg


WHO Congressman Dave Loebsack

Davenport School officials


Mental Health Experts

WHAT Dave will facilitate a discussion about school safety with educators, school administrators, parents' organizations and mental health professionals.

WHERE Wood Intermediate School

5107 North Division Street


TIME 10:00am


Ride Along with DeWitt Police Chief

WHO Congressman Dave Loebsack

Chief Dave Porter

WHAT Dave will ride-along with Chief Porter on a tour of DeWitt

WHERE DeWitt Police Department

606 9th Street

TIME Tour begins at 4:00pm



Legislation also repeals automatic pay increases

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack announced today that he has introduced legislation that would cut Members of Congress' pay by 10 percent.  The bill, the Congressional Halt in Pay Increases (CHIP IN) and Cut Congressional Pay Act, would also repeal the automatic pay increases that currently take place.  This legislation builds on the bill Loebsack cosponsored with former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords in the previous Congress.

"In a time when our economy continues to struggle and we face an unsustainable debt, it is more important than ever to hold Members of Congress accountable to the citizens that they represent," said Loebsack "This bill is a simple way to show that Congress is serious about restoring fiscal discipline to reform the pay system that has prevented any cut in Congressional pay since 1933 - eight decades ago."

Loebsack has consistently called for Members of Congress to have a personal stake in our nation's recovery.  In addition to authoring the CHIP IN and Cut Congressional Pay Act, he has previously cosponsored legislation that would tie the eligibility for Members of Congress to draw their pension benefits to their Social Security retirement age.  He has also voted multiple times to cut Congressional office budgets.


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack today announced that he will tour Isabel Bloom TOMORROW Wednesday, January 9th at 10:30am.  Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and Loebsack will see firsthand the handiwork made by Iowans.  Details of his visit are below.  Media are invited to attend.

Isabel Bloom was named one the Quad City Chamber's Small Businesses of the Year in 2012.

Small Business Tour

Isabel Bloom

736 Federal Street

Suite 2100




Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement today after being sworn in at the beginning of the 113th Congress.

"I am honored to have been given the opportunity to continue to serve the great people of Iowa's Second District.

"As we begin the 113th Congress, we have many issues that must be addressed, and none is more important than boosting the economy and setting our country on a sustainable path.  To do this, we have to work to create jobs and bolster middle class and working families.  We have to resolve our long-term deficit and debt problem, but it cannot be done on the backs of seniors, the middle-class, and hard working families.  I truly believe that our best days are in front of us and with hard work and commonsense, we will be able to move our great country forward.

"I look forward to continuing to serve the people of the Second District and be their voice."

Loebsack will have two District offices, in Iowa City and Davenport, and will remain in the same office in Washington.  He also has staff based in Burlington and Albia.

Iowa City District Office

125 South Dubuque Street
Iowa City, IA 52240

Phone: 319-351-0789

Toll Free: 1-800-914-4692


Davenport District Office

209 W. 4th St., #104

Davenport, IA 52801


Washington, D.C.

1527 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515

Phone: 202-225-6576



Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack announced today that his new office will be located in downtown Davenport.  The office will be open beginning January 3rd and occupy the same location where previous Members of Congress have had their offices.

"Hearing firsthand from Iowans is my number one priority. This location for my office in Davenport will allow folks to easily drop by to voice their opinion or seek assistance from my office.  I'm excited the office is now open and to be making a new home in Davenport for the people of the Second District," said Loebsack.

The address of the office:   209 W. 4th St., #104, Davenport, IA 52801


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack announced today that in the coming weeks, he will convene different groups of people to discuss how the nation should move forward in addressing how to ensure our children stay safe.  In the aftermath of the shootings at Newtown, Loebsack will bring together law enforcement officers, members of the mental health community, parents, teachers and administrators, as well as the general public to begin the conversation.

"Everyone from the President to the many people from Iowa who have contacted my office have called on the nation's leaders to have a national conversation about how we can move forward after the senseless violence in Newtown. I think we have to have every option on the table and open for discussion.  That doesn't mean everything will be implemented, but when you have an open and honest discussion, it is good to have as many points of view as possible. I will use these meetings to hear from people that are directly involved with protecting our children and I look forward to getting ideas and taking them back to Washington with me while we debate how to move forward."

Details on the formats, as well as the dates and times will be announced in the near future.

