Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement after the House voted on legislation to ensure families of service members who are killed while serving our nation will receive death, burial, and travel benefits.

"It is unconscionable and disgraceful that we have gotten to the point where those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our county and the families of our fallen heroes have been put in the middle of reckless political games. Our nation has a moral responsibility to care for the families of our fallen heroes and to honor those who have given the last full measure of devotion. That reckless Washington politics trumped that responsibility is outrageous.

"I strongly supported legislation today to immediately right this wrong. However, in order to ensure that our troops, veterans, and military families receive the full support, care, and benefits they are owed, Congress must immediately take the simple step of passing a clean funding resolution to reopen the government. As a military parent, it pains me to see the families of the men and women who died fighting to protect our country being left out. For their sake, and for many others, we must end this shutdown now."


Bipartisan Bill Would Ensure All Federal Employees - Including Those At The Rock Island Arsenal & Iowa National Guard - Receive Retroactive Pay For Period of Government Shutdown

Washington, D.C. - Today, a bipartisan bill cosponsored by Congressman Dave Loebsack (IA-02) and Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) that would protect local workers' pay jeopardized by the federal government shutdown unanimously passed the U.S. House of Representatives. The Federal Employee Retroactive Pay Fairness Act, would ensure that all federal employees, including those at the Rock Island Arsenal in the Quad Cities region and the Iowa National Guard receive full compensation once the government shutdown has ended. This will not only help to make sure that local workers are able to put food on the table, gas in the car and pay their bills, but it will protect the local economy from a drop-off in consumer spending.

"Once again, the hardworking men and women at the Rock Island Arsenal and the Iowa National Guard are being forced to shoulder the effects of reckless political games. Politicians in Washington just don't get it - manufactured crises have real life impacts on families and our economy. This manufactured crisis must end and Washington must get these hardworking Iowans back on the job. I will continue to reach across the aisle to find a bipartisan way forward, and I continue to stand ready to work with anyone willing to put our economy and middle class families ahead of Washington politics," said Congressman Dave Loebsack.

"Working families and small businesses across our region shouldn't be punished because some in Washington have forced us into a government shutdown," said Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.  "I was proud to help lead this bipartisan effort to secure back pay for the dedicated men and women across our region like those at the Rock Island Arsenal and the Peoria Air National Guard.  Today's bill would ensure that furloughed workers and their families won't suffer at the hands of this reckless and irresponsible shutdown."

Earlier this week, Loebsack called on Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to ensure that all members of the National Guard receive pay during the government shutdown.  Loebsack also joined World War II and Korean War veterans participating in a Quad Cities Honor Flight at the World War II Memorial in Washington, DC, which has been largely shuttered but now reopened to veterans during the government shutdown.   In addition, Loebsack has cosponsored legislation to cut Members of Congress' pay for every day that the government is shut down and has asked that his own pay be withheld for every day that the shutdown lasts.


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement this evening after the House of Representatives voted on a second Continuing Resolution written to include the demands of the Tea Party. Senate leaders have already declared this bill dead on arrival and the President has said he would veto the legislation, giving it no chance of passing the Senate or being signed into law. If a commonsense, bipartisan agreement is not reached by September 30, when the current agreement expires, the government will shut down.

"Until House Republicans agree to put an end to the brinksmanship that is all too common here in Washington it does not appear that they have any real interest in reaching a commonsense agreement to keep the government running. The irresponsible and reckless actions of House leaders means some workers at Rock Island Arsenal would be furloughed, small business owners would stop receiving federal loans to hire and expand their businesses, home loans for middle class families would be delayed, veterans could see benefits delayed, lifesaving medical research pushed back, and 1.4 million men and women in uniform would have their pay delayed. Iowans cannot afford to pay the price of Republicans' games.

"Today's vote does nothing more than push our government towards a shut down and puts politics before the basic work Iowans expect Congress to get done. Instead of trying to delay protections for those who have pre-existing conditions, delaying protections for women to ensure they aren't charged more for their health care and delaying tax credits for middle class Iowans to buy health care, Washington must re-focus its energy on job creation and fixing the economy. While I had hoped House Republicans would take the simple steps necessary to avoid a shut down and move on from these political stunts, I remain willing to work with the other side of the aisle to move our nation forward."


Washington D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack today announced that the Quad Cities Chamber of Commerce in Davenport and the Bi-State Regional Commission in Rock Island, Illinois, will receive $162,500 to develop plans for the creation of a regional advanced manufacturing innovation hub. The Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership (IMCP) award will help diversify the region's economy by focusing on the growth of the vital metal and multi-materials manufacturing cluster. The funds come from the Economic Development Administration's (EDA) Economic Adjustment Assistance program.

"I am pleased that the Quad Cities Chamber of Commerce and the Bi-State Regional Commission received this funding to continue their important work of developing and implementing a comprehensive manufacturing strategy for the region," said Loebsack. "We must focus on growing our economy and putting Iowans back to work. Investing in economic development planning and supporting public-private partnerships will both help strengthen the regional economy and promote job creation."

This competitive grant was designed to accelerate the resurgence of manufacturing and help cultivate an environment for businesses to create well-paying manufacturing jobs in regions across the country. Each FY 2013 IMCP investment supports the development of strategic plans to build public-private partnerships that result in targeted investments in workforce training, infrastructure, research, and other key assets.


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement after the House of Representatives voted on a Continuing Resolution written to include the demands of the Tea Party. The bill that was voted on today has no chance of passing the Senate or being signed into law. If a commonsense, bipartisan agreement is not reached by September 30, when the current agreement expires, the government will shut down.

"For the second time in as many days, the extreme Tea Party wing of the Republican Party has taken over and driven the House further away from reaching a commonsense agreement and getting the work of the American people done.  Let's be clear, today's vote does nothing more than push our government towards a shut down and default, threatening our economy and Iowans' jobs and retirement investments. If that were to happen, Medicare patients would have their care disrupted, veterans would see their benefits interrupted, and our men and women in uniform would have their pay delayed.

"Now that the Tea Party has gotten this out of their system, let's put the partisan bickering aside and get to work on the basics that the American people expect and avoid yet another self-inflicted wound to our economy. Instead of veering from one manufactured crisis to another, Washington must come together to re-focus its energy on job creation and the conditions necessary to promote it, while taking the difficult but necessary steps to substantially reduce the unsustainable deficit.  I will continue to work on a bipartisan basis to achieve these goals."


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement after the International Olympic Committee (IOC) voted to reinstate wrestling as a core Olympic sport for the 2020 games. Loebsack joined Congressmen Jim Jordan (OH-04), and Tim Walz (MN-01) to lead the fight in the House of Representatives to get wrestling back into the Olympics after it was announced earlier this year that it was dropped from the games. Last week, the Congressmen wrote to the President of the IOC, Dr. Jacques Rogge, to call on him to reinstate wrestling.

"Today's decision is great news for the sport of wrestling, but also for those who have fought so hard to demonstrate what wrestling means to the international community," said Loebsack. "The history of collegiate and Olympic wrestling runs through Iowa and we know that the determination and the hard work it teaches our kids provides them the skills it takes to succeed in life. I want to especially thank Coach Dan Gable and Coach Terry Brands for their tireless efforts to keep wrestling where it belong in the Olympics."


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack today announced that the law enforcement agencies in Clinton will receive $19,812 to support their efforts to prevent crime, keep our families and communities safe, and keep drugs off the streets. The funds come from the Department of Justice's Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne JAG) Program, which is the only source of federal funding for multi-jurisdictional drug task forces that work to prevent, fight and prosecute drug-related and violent crime. The funding will be shared by the Clinton County Sheriff's Office and the Clinton Police Department and will be used to replace gas masks and accessories to help local law enforcement keep our communities safe and for drug intervention tactics.

"I have met with our local law enforcement officers many times, and have always been impressed with their dedication to protecting our communities and keeping our streets drug free," said Loebsack. "I have long been a supporter of Byrne JAG because it supports law enforcement agencies in their efforts to keep Iowa families safe. I will continue to fight to ensure that Iowa's law enforcement officers have the resources they need and are well equipped to serve our communities."

In 2008, Loebsack led the successful bipartisan effort in the House of Representatives to prevent Byrne JAG from being eliminated and has long been a strong supporter of this program.  That effort was supported by the National Narcotic Officers' Associations' Coalition, the National Fraternal Order of Police, the National Sheriff's Association and the National District Attorney's Association, amongst others.


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack announced today that the Clinton Fire Department will receive a $448,153 in funding from the Department of Homeland Security's Port Security Grant Program.   This funding is competitively awarded and will be used to help replace a Fire and Rescue boat.

"We count on our firefighters and first responders to protect our families and communities," said Loebsack.  "I am pleased that the Clinton Fire Department is receiving this funding, which will ensure they have the proper equipment to respond to all disasters and allow them to continue to keep our river safe and commerce flowing."


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement today after Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced that the number of furlough days civilian employees, including Rock Island Arsenal employees, must take was reduced to six.  Earlier this year, the Secretary had set the number of furlough days at 11 due to budget cuts that were created by sequestration and other budgetary factors. Loebsack has been opposed to these drastic cuts since they were created by the Budget Control Act, which he voted against.   He has repeatedly called on Congressional leaders to work to find a balanced, commonsense way to replace sequestration and responsibly deal with the fiscal situation facing the nation.

"While today's announcement by Secretary Hagel is encouraging news for the men and women at the Rock Island Arsenal, it is unconscionable that civilian workers were forced to take a pay cut because of dysfunction in Washington. I opposed the creation of sequestration and I adamantly opposed the decision to furlough any dedicated individuals who work every day on behalf of our troops and national security.  I remain committed to working on a bipartisan basis to replace sequestration with responsible deficit reduction that grows the economy and creates job.  I will continue to fight for the hardworking men and women at Rock Island Arsenal and the people who sequestration has affected most."


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement today after the House passed compromise legislation that would bring down the interest rates for new student loans. Due to inaction of House leadership, interest rates for new student loans doubled on July 1st, from 3.4 to 6.8 percent. This legislation will tie the interest rate of the loan to market rates, but is capped at 8.25 percent. As a result, this year undergraduates who borrow for college will save nearly $1,500 in interest over the life of the loan. The legislation has already cleared the Senate and is expected to be signed into law.

"I could not have gone to college without the availability of student loans and other financial assistance programs, so I am pleased Democrats and Republicans finally came together to pass this legislation. It is shameful that students were caught in the middle of this political posturing in the first place. Neither side got exactly what they wanted, nor is it the deal that I would have authored, but it demonstrates that compromise can actually happen when people sit down and work through their differences. I continue to have concerns that in the long run this bill may allow rates to rise above the current 6.8 percent cap, and look forward to addressing this issue and the rising cost of college as work begins on reauthorization of the Higher Education Act."

