Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack today called on House Speaker John Boehner to immediately go to Conference Committee on the farm bill to work out the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill.  Loebsack has consistently fought to move a farm bill forward that can be signed into law.  Last month, he joined the Iowa delegation, and was one of only 24 Democrats, to support the House version of the farm bill that contained both agriculture and nutrition policy and was subsequently voted down.  He also introduced in the House the bipartisan farm bill legislation that recently passed the Senate with the support of both Senators Harkin and Grassley.

"It is critical to Iowa's economy, farmers, families, and our rural communities that the farm bill process continues moving forward to get a bill signed into law as quickly as possible," wrote Loebsack.  "While Members like me have promoted compromise throughout the farm bill process, it is now time that you take the commonsense step forward by moving a complete farm bill to conference. I urge you to recognize the opportunity for compromise by moving quickly to conference with both our agricultural programs and nutrition programs."

A copy of the letter can be found here.


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement today after the House voted on a split version of the Farm Bill.  Loebsack has consistently fought to move a Farm Bill forward that can be signed into law.  Last month, he joined the Iowa delegation, and was one of only 24 Democrats, to support the complete House version of the Farm Bill, which was voted down.  He also introduced in the House the bipartisan farm bill legislation that recently passed the Senate with the support of both Senators Harkin and Grassley.

"It is unconscionable that the dysfunction of Republicans in the House has led to this highly partisan legislation that does not provide the support our farmers and rural communities deserve.  There has been a coalition of agriculture and nutrition groups that have worked together for decades to pass a Farm Bill.  The House Republicans' decision to split the bill is about Washington politics, not getting a farm bill done.  The decision to put partisan politics ahead of farmers is opposed by agriculture advocates including both Iowa Senators, Harkin and Grassley, and the American Farm Bureau, along with a group of 530 agriculture and rural development organizations, who have all expressed opposition to moving a split bill.

"I have been fighting to get a bipartisan Farm Bill signed into law.  We have to move this process forward and pass a bill that can go to conference with the Senate and be signed into law.  This legislation does not move the bill forward; it is in fact a step back.  The House needs to do its job and pass a long term Farm Bill. The continued partisan games will only continue to further delay the enactment."


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack announced today that Davenport Municipal Airport will receive a total of $3,690,297 to reconstruct the runway.  These funds come from the U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) grant program.

"This funding will allow the Davenport Municipal Airport to make important, necessary improvements and help build economic development opportunities in the community," said Loebsack.  "The new runway will improve safety, increase efficiency, and increase usage of the airport."


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement today after the United States Supreme Court ruled that the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional.  Loebsack was the first member of the Iowa delegation to sign on to the Respect for Marriage Act, which would repeal DOMA.

"Today is a great day for equality and marriage," said Loebsack.  "I am pleased the Supreme Court took two important steps towards ending discrimination.  The decision today reaffirms nationwide what we Iowans already know? that love knows no bounds and all couples should have the same rights as their neighbors."


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement after the House voted down the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act (HR 1947), the farm bill.

"The inability of the House to come together and move a farm bill forward is inexcusable. I have been calling for a farm bill for over a year now.  Failure to enact a farm bill means jobs in our rural communities are at risk and cuts to rural and farm initiatives critical to Iowa's economy are likely. I stood with the entire Iowa delegation to advance this critical legislation for farmers, Iowa's economy, and families.  The Senate was able to find commonsense compromise.  The House needs to do the same.

"I am deeply concerned with the extreme cuts to anti-hunger initiatives, known as SNAP, that were contained in the bill.  Our economy is still struggling to recover and many families rely on this program to put food on the table and ensure their children do not go to school hungry.  I was the only member from Iowa to cosponsor an amendment to restore these cuts and fought to have it included in the bill. Today's vote shows that restoration of SNAP funding is critical to a farm bill being enacted.

"I am also concerned that this bill would have gutted rural energy measures that are critical to Iowa jobs and energy independence.  There were over 1,600 rural energy projects initiated in Iowa between 2003 and 2012, many stemming from farm bill energy programs. These investments are vitally important to job creation and Iowa's economy.  I led the fight to ensure farmers and rural businesses have continued access to an important energy and economic development tool with my amendment that was added to the bill to strengthen the REAP program.

"I will continue to fight to get a farm bill signed into law that supports families, farmers and our rural economy."


Washington, D.C.  - Congressman Dave Loebsack today announced that the Davenport Fire Department will receive $68,000 in funding from the Department of Homeland Security's Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) Program.

"Our firefighters and first responders stand ready to serve us the moment disaster strikes," said Loebsack.  "This funding will ensure that they are able to secure the resources and training they need to respond quickly to emergencies and keep our families and communities safe."

The Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grants are part of the Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) and support projects that enhance the safety of the public and firefighters from fire and related hazards. The primary goal is to reduce injury and prevent death among high-risk populations.


Signs 'discharge petition' to force vote

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack today joined fellow lawmakers to take action that would force House leadership to bring up legislation to prevent student loan rates from doubling.  Student loan interest rates are currently 3.4 percent, but are set to double to 6.8 percent on July 1st.  If Congress does not act, the average borrower's debt would increase by $1,000. This action builds on Loebsack's call to House and Senate leaders to come together and bring up a bill for a vote that can be passed by both Chambers and signed into law.  As the only member of the Iowa delegation to serve on the House Education and the Workforce Committee, Loebsack, a cosponsor of the Student Loan Relief Act of 2013 (H.R. 1595), has helped lead the fight to ensure students do not see a raise in interest rates.

"With tuition rising rapidly and far too many Iowans struggling to make ends meet, middle-class families are finding it more and more difficult to pay for college." wrote Loebsack.  "Time is running out for us to get this done for our students and the future success of our economy.  I strongly urge you to work together to find a solution that will prevent this $1,000 increase on students come July 1st."

As a member of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, Loebsack has championed numerous pieces of legislation to increase access to higher education, including:

·         College Cost Reduction and Access Act (CCRAA) Loebsack helped craft and pass this legislation, which makes college more affordable and accessible for all Iowans by increasing the maximum Pell Grant scholarship and expanding eligibility;

·         Year Round Pell Grants Loebsack authored a provision that created year-round Pell grants in the Higher Education Opportunity Act, which was signed into law in 2008.  However, the year-round Pell grant was unfortunately eliminated in 2011.  In response to the ongoing need for more flexibility, Loebsack partnered with Rep. Cheri Bustos (IL-17) to introduce legislation which would reinstate the flexibility that was provided by Loebsack's provision in 2008.

·         Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act Loebsack was a cosponsor of this bill, which will save American taxpayers $61 billion by making the student loan process more efficient.  The bill further expanded the maximum Pell Grant available from $5,550 in 2010 to $5,975 in 2017, granting Iowa students more than $291 million for higher education. This bill was the largest single investment in student aid in America's history, and will make college more accessible, transform the way student loan programs operate and strengthens community colleges.


Iowa City, IA - Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement today after he joined Governor Branstad and other state and local officials to tour flood affected areas and the flood preparations that are underway in Johnson County.

"I am pleased that the Governor and Lt. Governor took the time to come and see firsthand the preparation the folks in Johnson County and at the University of Iowa have put in to help protect the area from damaging flooding.  While the area is not out of the woods yet, I am encouraged by the latest forecasts.  The hard work of the Johnson County Emergency Management team, University of Iowa, and the scores of volunteers demonstrates just how strong this community really is.

"I am also pleased that despite the dysfunction and partisan bickering that is all too common in Washington; Iowans can rise above it in a time of need.  I am proud to be a part of that work and will coordinate with the Governor, Army Corps of Engineers, the University, and local officials as the threat of flooding continues."


Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack today announced that the Davenport Housing Commission, in partnership with the Iowa City VA Medical Center, received $70,666 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) through their HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Program.  The funding will be used to offer supporting housing to homeless Veterans, many of whom are living with chronic disabling conditions.

"Far too many Veterans and Veteran families are facing homelessness within our communities," said Loebsack.  "We have a moral responsibility to serve those who have worn our country's uniform with the same dignity and honor with which they have served our nation.  This funding will help provide our veterans the support they need to get back on their feet and provide for their families.  I am pleased that the Davenport Housing Commission in partnership with the Iowa City VA Medical Center has received this funding to expand their services to Iowa's veterans."

The HUD-VASH program combines rental assistance from HUD with case management and clinical services provided by VA.  Since 2008, 42,557 formerly homeless Veterans are currently in homes because of HUD-VASH.


Washington, D.C.  - Congressman Dave Loebsack today announced that the Calamus Volunteer Fire Department will receive $67,678 in funding from the Department of Homeland Security's Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) Program.

"Our firefighters and first responders stand ready to serve us the moment disaster strikes," said Loebsack.  "This funding will ensure that they are able to secure the resources and training they need to respond quickly to emergencies and keep our families and communities safe."

The AFG program allows our first responders to purchase firefighting equipment, implement wellness programs that focus on health, and improve facilities. Funds can be used for a myriad of needs, including new protective equipment, health and safety modifications to stations and training for emergency personnel.

