The most mystifying phenomena of this COVID-19 pandemic is the public's resistance to a wealth of compelling new data that confirms the SARS-CoV2 virus, claimed by the CDC, NIH, and WHO to be the cause of the disease COVID-19, is not nearly as lethal as originally feared. In fact, the data is showing less than 1/10th of 1 percent (0.01percent) of people who test positive for COVID-19 will actually die, with 90 percent of those people averaging 65 or older and having multiple critical comorbidity conditions. [UPDATE: The CDC has estimated the lethality to be 0.26%, while detractors disagree.] The percentage of children 12 and under at risk is infinitesimal. So the question should now be: Is COVID-19 worthy of pandemic status, and based on widespread compelling new data, is the extreme global response still justified?