The most mystifying phenomena of this COVID-19 pandemic is the public's resistance to a wealth of compelling new data that confirms the SARS-CoV2 virus, claimed by the CDC, NIH, and WHO to be the cause of the disease COVID-19, is not nearly as lethal as originally feared. In fact, the data is showing less than 1/10th of 1 percent (0.01percent) of people who test positive for COVID-19 will actually die, with 90 percent of those people averaging 65 or older and having multiple critical comorbidity conditions.  [UPDATE: The CDC has estimated the lethality to be 0.26%, while detractors disagree.] The percentage of children 12 and under at risk is infinitesimal. So the question should now be: Is COVID-19 worthy of pandemic status, and based on widespread compelling new data, is the extreme global response still justified?

On October 18, 2019, the planners of the 2020 worldwide panic called a Covid-19 pandemic emergency fully mapped out and role-played how all of this fear and economic chaos would arise and what steps global leaders will take. Visit to see the World Economic Forum and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded Coronavirus pandemic simulation's own Web site of materials and video recordings. Participants include non-government organizations (NGOs) such as the World Health Organization, the United Nations, global corporations and media, Johns Hopkins University, the World Bank, and both U.S. and China Centers for Disease Control agencies.

Whenever single-topic messaging, such as COVID-19, is endlessly reported by corporate media to the exclusion of all other news, my reaction is to research legitimate controversies to media's 24/7 highly scripted narratives. After 27 years of providing such alternative analysis, why stop now?

Governments love crises because when people are fearful they are more willing to give up freedoms.

Governments love crises because when the people are fearful they are more willing to give up freedoms for promises that the government will take care of them. After 9/11, for example, Americans accepted the near-total destruction of their civil liberties in the PATRIOT Act’s hollow promises of security

Corporate media distributed content disguised as news has devolved into (1) a perpetual call of winners and losers in the fabricated binary national selection of so-called US presidential options, and (2) tightly scripted propaganda across all platforms and channels masquerading as (no, not even fact-driven news anymore) misguided speculation based on contrived narratives specifically formulated to elicit conditioned responses from you, the viewer, listener, and reader.

There is a high probability that you have never heard of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 (SMA). Which would comport with not knowing (or caring) about the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 (SMMA). Both these laws are critically important and impact your lives directly, so time to get up to speed.

Every thinking American knows on some level that his/her current political disposition is based almost entirely on emotions triggered by media manipulation like never before.

I am certain that many of you readers sense that the mainstream and social media are manipulating information to such an egregious extent that it has become toxic to listen, watch, or read.

The trouble with today's voters is that most have compartmentalized their civic responsibility into the narrow confines of support for one of two political parties: Democrats or Republicans. Sadly, such narrow-mindedness misses the otherwise glaringly obvious truth that there are no longer two ideologically distinct parties in American politics. The two-party stranglehold on politics today is a sophisticated, fantastical ruse that has people locked into an arena mentality of win or lose at all costs, no holds barred.

For decades, the American people have permitted the secretive nature of government to not just prevail, but exponentially grow, causing the public sector to adopt a sense of entitlement for operating beyond the reach of the public. It really isn't about left versus right anymore, because the obstructionists to transparency exist on both sides of the aisle and ideologies.
