Scholars describe progressive societies as being akin to beehives.

What if both establishment Democrats and Republicans adhere to Progressivism, an ideology measures of magnitude different than liberalism or conservatism, while only fabricating a liberal or conservative identity just to win elections? It adds up. Progressivism advocates first and foremost that everything is political. All social and economic problems, no matter the size or scope, are best solved via government-driven political solutions. 

Progressivism concerns itself with groups and their highest functions. Progressives consider human beings to be group components, resources for groups' highest functioning.  Components of groups are tightly controlled and expendable as necessary. This is in direct opposition to the core individualism driving both classic liberalism and conservatism.  Therefore, it only follows that liberal and conservative individualism is an existential threat to Progressivism and must be eradicated.

Political Oath of Office Taker Cartoon Oct 2022 Cover Illustration by Ed Newmann & Monica Kendall

The 2022 midterm election will see voters pass the baton to candidates who will serve during a highly charged political environment as the 2024 general election approaches. Most candidates talk mostly about themselves, with an almost comical disregard for the subject matter they should be focused on to secure votes – the voters and our needs and expectations of them to represent us and not their own interests. With the Midterm General Election 2022 Questionnaire found below, we continue our longstanding practice of contacting political office candidates with what we hope are relevant and meaningful questions.

In 2001, I wrote a tribute to Susie Martens, a fabulous woman who became great friends with my beloved grandmother thanks to the long and abiding friendship between Grandma and Susie's gracious and distinguished father (and Chris' grandfather) Henry “Hank” Wurzer. Chris H. Martens, the oldest of Susie's children, passed tragically and unexpectedly on June 19, 2022. It was a monumental blow to every single person in Chris's life, a loss that reverberates to this moment with no relief hoped for or expected.

The time has come to make a personal change as an American, ignoring for the moment any partisan politics because for this purpose, party affiliation simply does not matter. Each of us needs to reclaim our individual authority, expressly acknowledged and protected via the Declaration of Independence, U.S. and State Constitutions, including the Bill of Rights (first 10 Amendments of the Constitution), the cumulative body of laws and substantive due process. That means robustly familiarizing ourselves with the above, especially the Bill of Rights and Declaration.

While the remainder of this piece will kind of forced to be All About Me, allow me to raise a figurative champagne flute – figurative because it's actually a glass of chillable red I'll be raising – in acknowledgment of others.

FDA Sign

In the month of June alone, the FDA demonstrated its most extreme regulatory capture to date with its Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee's (VRBPAC) approval for (1) Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to vaccinate the final age cohort of six-month-old babies to five-year-old toddlers (6/14-15/22); and (2) Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to reformulate Pfizer and Moderna original vaccines to accommodate current and future variants without clinical trials (6/28/22).

Primary Election Voters

It's primary election season in Scott County (June 7) and Rock Island County (June 28), and there are nearly as many county and state races unopposed as contested within each of the fictionally competing Democratic and Republican primary contests. For this primary election, questions were developed for Iowa and Illinois Democrat and Republican Primary candidates in four separate races: Iowa's Scott County Board of Supervisors (SCBS); Illinois' Rock Island County Sheriff; and both the Illinois State Senate and State House of Representatives. For the Illinois State Senate and House races, we partnered with our prolific and plugged-in columnist Rich Miller, who queried his Capitol Fax blog subscribers for candidate questions. We requested each candidate choose their own destiny via answering five questions of their choosing from the 40 posted.

James Hickman's essay "The Media Has Been the Number-One Cause of War Since 1989" cannot be overstated enough. One is reminded of the scene in what Reader movie reviewer Mike Schulz calls “the best movie of all time”: Citizen Kane. The classic film is all about William Randolph Hearst and depicts him effectively starting the War in Cuba that Hickman refers to. In the film, Hearst's retort to the field reporter who told him there was no conflict there is legendary: "You provide the prose poems; I'll provide the war."

COVID-19 Testing Site in Downtown Davenport - February 1, 2022

History will eventually reveal all the malfeasance that allowed COVID-19 to be promulgated as a global lethal pandemic when the narratives in support of this over-exaggeration can no longer overcome the evidence against it.

Genesis Health Unity Point Health Responses to COVID-19 Questions March 2022

We greatly appreciate Genesis and Unity Point participating in this critical updating community stakeholders on COVID-19 relative to health-care in the Quad Cities. We are re-publishing our questions along with their unedited responses below.
