We're very pleased to publish Douglas Tallamay's original essay for the Reader on the importance of oak trees. For an even deeper dive we highly recommend his 2021 book The Nature of Oaks. It's full of richly produced color photos and its presentation is a work of art unto itself. Here's an excerpt from the book, regarding how and why the oak tree is the “keystone species.”

Planned Demolition 1008 APR 2023 River Cities Reader Ed Newmann Cartoon

For those who may wonder why we are reporting on the World Health Organization's (WHO) activities, please keep in mind that in March of 2020, both Iowa Governor Reynolds and Illinois Governor Pritzker issued emergency disaster proclamations that would be reissued for nearly three years. Both governors cite the WHO in their declarations as one of the authorities they were relying on to implement the subsequent draconian measures in our states. Until we have leadership that does not bow down to such faux global authority and undue influence, we had better well pay attention.

World Health Organization (WHO) Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland

The political fallout from COVID mismanagement has also resulted in politiopaths wishing to offload the responsibilities for health emergencies to the World Health Organization (WHO) in an all-too-familiar cowardly dodge, not unlike our Ukraine engagement (and many more conflicts before it) with no congressional “Declaration of War” as dictated in the U.S. Constitution.

My sincere apologies! In last month's article “Noble Lies Are No Excuse For Ignoble Acts," I carelessly, erroneously reported, “In nearly 100 percent of the cases to date, the punishment is far worse than the crime and severely disproportionate to rulings for far worse bad acts by BLM and Antifa rioters during their rampages just a year prior, where hundreds of police officers died with billions in damages.”

Uncle Scam Cartoon by Ed Newmann Feb 2023 River Cities Reader.png

Publisher Todd McGreevy recounts the highlights and content of the River Cities' Reader's February 2023 printed edtion, as well as links to the same stories online herein. Illustration of "Uncle Scam" is by Ed Newmann. 

River Cities Reader January 2023 Ed Newman Cartoon Jan 6 Republic Democracy Police State.png

This week is the second anniversary of the January 6, 2021. For nearly 1,000 American citizens are being harassed, arrested, and prosecuted (many of whom have not had their due process or day in court) for alleged crimes committed while exercising their First Amendment-protected rights to peacefully assemble, free speech, and petition for redress of grievances, there are no resolutions, no closure, and mostly no justice.

January 6, 2021 US Capitol photo by Corey Eib

Each and every time the courts tell the petitioners, “Yes, we are harming you and yes there are constitutional violations. However, your harm is no greater than everyone else's harm, so you have no standing.” Now you know the real reason we are told over and over we live in a Democracy, and not a Republic. The word democracy appears nowhere in any state or U.S. constitution.

The Real Conspiracy Theorists

Our 1,004th print edition of the River Cities' Reader will be our proverbial last printed words for 2022. Some of the most important words will come from Whitney Webb and Iain Davis expressed in the first of a series of articles: “Sustainable Debt Slavery.”

No Election is Perfectly Safe and Secure

I recently read a thoroughly enjoyable piece by Mike Caulfield at Hapgood.US on the first use of “conspiracy theory” that he discovered in a letter from the English press, published in the New York Times on January 4, 1863. In a nutshell, the letter was a critical commentary on American intrigue relative to English aristocracy interests, and expressing disdain for America as a formidable foe, therefore anxious to see our ruin. This predates all other claims of the first use of “conspiracy theory,” and as Caulfield points out, “You’ll note too something that is almost too delicious: the first use of conspiracy theory is about a conspiracy said to involve the press.”

Beware: Progressive Candidates Don't Use a “P” Behind Their Names

Prior to this upcoming midterm election, and every election after, it is imperative for each of us, as voters with our respective political ideologies, to confirm that the candidates we intend to vote for actually support the same things we do.
