WASHINGTON - Senator Chuck Grassley said he is waiting for an answer from the White House about what authority is being used to provide better repayment terms for a select group of student loan borrowers, as the President announced in his We Can't Wait for Congress media campaign.

Grassley said his questions are based on the fact that the campaign implies the actions are being taken independently from Congress, but that it's unclear what statute allows the President to unilaterally alter income requirements for payment adjustments, expand loan forgiveness and make it easier to get out of existing loans.

"I wrote a letter to the President earlier this month asking him to explain to Congress and the public the legal authority he is claiming to implement the student loan changes," Grassley said.  "Our system of government is based on the principle of representative government, so the President can't unilaterally enact laws.  Congress, where elected representatives reflect the will of the people, makes the laws and the President signs or rejects them.  Serious constitutional issues are raised when the President disregards the people's voice as expressed through Congress to change the law himself.  Frustration with the legislative process is understandable, but the process is based on constitutional principles and, in fact, where there is bipartisan support for initiatives the President has offered, proposals have been passed this year."

Here is the text of Grassley's letter to President Barack Obama.


November 9, 2011

President Barack Obama

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500


Dear President Obama,

On October 25, 2011, you announced changes that would provide better repayment terms for a select group of student loan borrowers.  Specifically, the proposal would accelerate the application of changes Congress made to the law effective July 1, 2014 reducing the percentage of a borrower's income from 15% to 10% to calculate payments under the Income-Based Repayment (IBR) plan and reducing the length of time during which a student borrower must make qualifying payments under the IBR plan from 25 years to 20 years in order to be eligible for loan forgiveness.  The proposal also includes a new 0.5% interest rate subsidy for borrowers who agree to consolidate their privately held Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) loans into the government-run Direct Loan Program.  This was part of your "We Can't Wait for Congress" campaign.  However, the announcement was missing some key details and raised some questions that Congress and taxpaying Americans deserve answers to.

The slogan "We Can't Wait for Congress" implies that these are actions you are taking independently of Congress.  However, under our constitutional system, the President can only take actions that are authorized by Act of Congress or that fall under the authority granted to the President in the Constitution.  That raises the question of what specific statutory authority you are using to implement these policy changes.

Please cite the specific statutory language and accompanying legal analysis by which you determined you have the authority to reduce the percentage of a borrower's income from 15% to 10% to calculate payments under the IBR plan in advance of the effective date of July 1, 2014 as provided for in the SAFRA Act as part of P.L. 111-152.

Please cite the specific statutory language and accompanying legal analysis by which you determined you have the authority to reduce the length of time during which a student borrower must make qualifying payments under the IBR from 25 years to 20 years in order to be eligible for loan forgiveness in advance of the effective date of July 1, 2014 as provided for in the SAFRA Act as part of P.L. 111-152.

Please cite the specific statutory language and accompanying legal analysis by which you determined you have the authority to offer a special 0.5% interest rate subsidy for borrowers who agree to consolidate their privately held Federal Family Education Loan Program loans into the Direct Loan Program.

In addition, the initial announcement was vague about the means of implementation for these changes.  While media reports have referred to an "executive order," no such executive order has been issued to date and the announcement only refers to this as part of "a series of executive actions."  In fact, I understand that your Administration plans to implement parts of this proposal through rulemaking procedures used for implementing laws passed by Congress.  Please describe the timeline for this process and why the implementation process is only now beginning.

Also, your announcement claims that, "These changes carry no additional cost to taxpayers."  Obviously, there is some cost to providing improved benefits sooner than the effective date in law.  Presumably this claim is based on estimated cost savings that offset the additional costs.

Please describe in detail the estimated costs of these new benefits and any estimated savings as well as the detailed calculations and assumptions by which those estimated savings were derived.

If the estimated savings are based on an assumption of lower costs due to shifting more existing FFELP loans into the Direct Loan program, then that raises the question of whether the estimate took into account factors that often lead to a significant overestimate of savings, and even revenue generated, through the Direct Loan program as described in the March 2010 Congressional Budget Office Study "Costs and Budget Options of Federal Student Loan Programs."

If in fact moving loans into Direct Lending is the source of any estimated savings, please explain whether your estimate fully took into account administrative costs and default risk as well as the risk to the Treasury of assuming greater debt at a time when our country's ability to borrow money at low interest rates is already threatened by excessive federal debt.

Finally, any discussion of new spending or potential cost savings inevitably involves tradeoffs.  To the extent that this proposal involves spending of limited resources or involves legitimate savings to the federal Treasury, in a time of severely constrained resources, Congress may wish to consider whether there are better uses for these resources, such as reducing the deficit or addressing the funding shortfall for Pell Grants.  Despite a significant infusion of funds provided to the Pell Grant program in the Budget Control Act, there is still an estimated shortfall of $1.3 billion for fiscal year 2012 in order to maintain the current maximum Pell Grant award.  The Pell Grant program is designed to provide access to college for very low-income individuals who otherwise would not have access to a higher education.  To the extent that resources are available, Congress might wish to consider whether this is a higher priority than providing a select number of borrowers who are already on a special repayment plan, and who have already had the benefit of a higher education, the opportunity to have even more of their student loans paid off even earlier.

Such tradeoffs should be made in the light of day with full accountability to the taxpayers, including the majority of student loan borrowers who are paying off their student loans without help and the many hard working Americans who have not attended college.  As such, I request an answer to the above questions no later than November 23, 2011.  Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact James Rice of my staff at (202) 224-3744.


Charles E. Grassley

United States Senator

Survey ideas will help Classrooms First Commission improve school efficiency, student opportunity

SPRINGFIELD - November 23, 2011. If you have ideas on how Illinois school districts can operate more efficiently and enhance learning opportunities, you have a little more than a week to share the cost-saving tips with Lt. Governor Sheila Simon's Classrooms First Commission.

An online survey on district efficiency and effectiveness will close Friday, December 2, after eight weeks on Simon's website. To date, more than 330 parents, taxpayers and educators from 72 counties have submitted input to the Classrooms First Commission. Their comments join the 379 people who attended and 79 who testified at four regional public hearings.

"To all the educators, parents and taxpayers who are concerned about education, we want to hear from you," Simon said. "This is your chance to tell policymakers how to best spend our limited education dollars."

Suggestions submitted to the commission via the online survey include :

  • Elimination of administrative redundancies
  • Greater cooperation between school districts and community colleges and universities to increase dual credit offerings and share administrative costs
  • Greater use of shared service agreements to lower purchasing, transportation and health insurance costs
  • Greater use of technology to lower administrative costs and offer more course offerings to students through distance learning
  • Removing barriers that prohibit school districts from developing efficiencies of their own

The commission will soon move into the second phase of its study and break into working groups each focused on one of the following topics: shared services, within-district efficiencies, and realignment. Work groups will review the ideas submitted to the online survey, the testimony collected at public hearings and the presentations given at commission meetings.

In the third and final phase of its deliberations, the commission will draft recommendations and present them at a round of public hearings in the spring. The final report is due to the Governor and General Assembly in the summer.  The survey can be found here or by following the "Education" link at www.ltgov.il.gov.

RIVERMONT Open House Coffee

Saturday, November 12th - 8:30 - 11:00 a.m.

RIVERMONT COLLEGIATE is the Quad Cities' only private, independent, nonsectarian college prep
school, serving preschool through grade 12.

• Dedicated faculty
• Small class sizes & individualized attention
• Safe, family-life environment

Can't make it Saturday?
Join us Thursday, November 17th
Open House - 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Brittany Marietta - Director of Admission
(563) 359-1366 ext. 302

1821 Sunset Drive - Bettendorf, IA 52722
(563) 359-1366 - www.rvmt.org

(located directly off 18th Street, behind K&K Hardware in Bettendorf)

Contributions made through December 31, 2011 can be deducted from 2011 state taxes.

DES MOINES, IA (11/15/2011)(readMedia)-- State Treasurer Michael L. Fitzgerald has a simple solution for the gift-giving dilemmas that are usually associated with the holiday season. "Instead of trying to put together a wish list of toys that will soon be lost in your children's closet, invite the special people in your life to give one of the most meaningful gifts a child may ever receive - help toward paying for a college education," stated Fitzgerald. "Opening a College Savings Iowa account has two-fold benefits, not only are you helping a child prepare for his/her future education, but you can take advantage of the tax benefits as well. It's the perfect gift!"

College Savings Iowa lets anyone - parents, grandparents, friends and relatives - contribute towards college costs on behalf of a child. Iowa taxpayers contributing to College Savings Iowa can deduct up to $2,865 per account from their state taxable income in 2011.* To take advantage of this great tax-savings opportunity, investors can contribute online at www.collegesavingsiowa.com. All other contributions must be submitted by December 31, 2011. If the contribution is being mailed, checks must be postmarked by December 31, 2011. For more information about College Savings Iowa, call 888-672-9116 or visit collegesavingsiowa.com.

Ugift® - Make giving college savings easier

"When you're saving for college, you need all of the help you can get. That's why College Savings Iowa is pleased to offer the Ugift® service to plan participants," stated Fitzgerald. This easy-to-use service allows participants to invite family and friends to celebrate a child's milestones by contributing to his or her College Savings Iowa account.

To learn more, participants can log on to their existing College Savings Iowa accounts and click on the Ugift logo or go to www.collegesavingsiowa.com and click on Plan Details. Then click on Ugift FAQs under the Plan Details section.

* Adjusted annually for inflation. If withdrawals are not qualified, the deductions must be added back to Iowa taxable income.


by Senator Tom Harkin

To compete in the global economy, ensure our long-term prosperity and protect our middle class, I have always believed in the need to provide every Iowa child with a world class education. Iowa has always been known for great public schools-indeed, high school seniors in our state generally score above national averages. Unfortunately, many Iowa students leave school without the basic skills they need to succeed in college or a career. In 2009, only 79 percent of Iowa 12th graders tested above a basic reading level on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, and only 71 percent scored basic or higher in math. Moreover, disparities for low-income children, kids with disabilities, and minorities persist.

As Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, I am leading the effort to reauthorize our nation's K-12 education law and fix the problems in the law's most recent iteration - the No Child Left Behind Act. I negotiated a bipartisan bill that passed the HELP Committee late last month. It now moves on to the full Senate for consideration.

Q: How will the legislation impact Iowa?
The bill overhauls the No Child Left Behind Act by eliminating one size fits all policies that create pressure to "teach to the test." It will allow Iowa to design its own school accountability system and ensure parents and families have access to the information they need about their students. The bill also sets a new, high bar for students to graduate high school ready for college and a career. It will support strong teachers and principals, while giving communities the flexibility they need to address the unique needs of their children.

Q: What are the goals of the legislation?
This long-overdue reauthorization will help ensure that every child has access to a great education that prepares them for success in college and a career in the global economy. It builds on the strengths of current law while getting rid of the policies that have proven ineffective.

Q: Who supports this new measure?
The bill has gained support from numerous groups in Iowa and around the nation such as the Iowa State Education Association, the Iowa Parent-Teacher Association, the Iowa Head Start Association, Save the Children and the Bipartisan Policy Center, among others.

Q: How can Iowans obtain more information on the bill?
Please visit http://harkin.senate.gov/ or contact any of my local offices.

A PDF version of the column is available by clicking here.

Simon backs federal Impact Aid for North Chicago schools

CHICAGO - November 11, 2011. On Veteran's Day, Lt. Governor Sheila Simon urged Illinois members of Congress to maximize federal education funding for school districts serving Naval Station Great Lakes in North Chicago.

In a letter sent to the delegation today, Simon asked U.S. House members to support legislation that would allow the five elementary and high school districts that serve Great Lakes families to continue pooling their student cohorts to qualify for a higher rate of federal Impact Aid.

Impact Aid is designed to help cover the cost of educating students whose families live or work on federally owned, property tax-exempt land, such as military bases. Without the legislation, North Chicago-area schools could lose millions of dollars.

Simon serves as the Governor's point person on education reform and is the chair of the Interagency Military Base Support and Economic Development Committee. The legislation is supported by Sens. Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk.

"As we celebrate Veterans' Day and honor those who have served and are serving our country, it is important that we support their families as well," Simon said in the letter.

The federal Impact Aid funding would benefit all students in five public school districts serving Great Lakes: Glenbrook High School District 225, Glenview School District 34, North Chicago District 187, North Shore District 112, and Township High School District 113.

More than 35,000 U.S. Navy recruits pass through Great Lakes' doors each year, joining an additional 13,500 students who attend training schools on the base annually. About 2,000 children of Great Lakes personnel attend public schools in the area.

As chair of the military base committee, Simon coordinates the state's activities and communications relating to current and former military bases in Illinois, and also provides advice and recommendations for base retention, realignment and reuse efforts.

The military base committee was established in 2005 in response to nationwide base closures, and it continues to coordinate local, state and federal action on retention, realignment and reuse efforts.


Students Can Win Up to $1,000 in National Essay Competition Focused on the Constitution


Arlington, VA - The deadline for high-school students and their teachers to submit essays for the Bill of Rights Institute's national Being an American Essay Contest is fast approaching.  The Contest asks students to explore the Founding principles outlined in the Constitution by answering the question: "How does the Constitution establish and maintain a culture of liberty?"

The Contest, which has quickly become the largest high-school essay competition of its kind, totaling over 80,000 submitted essays, is administered by the Bill of Rights Institute, a non-profit educational organization in the Washington, D.C. area devoted to educating young people about the Constitution and Founding principles.

"This contest is unique in that it gives students the opportunity to think about the important Founding principles communicated in our Constitution," said Dr. Jason Ross, Bill of Rights Institute Vice President of Education Programs. "This contest is vital to helping students see the Founding principles as a meaningful part of the American experiment of self-government."

The top three student winners from each of five geographical regions will be awarded cash prizes of $1,000 (First Place), $500 (Second Place), and $250 (Third Place). Teacher sponsors of each student winner will also receive a cash prize of $100.

Essays must be submitted online at www.BillofRightsInstitute.org/Contest by 11:59 P.M. PST on December 15, 2011. Supporting contest materials, including lesson plans meeting Common Core standards, are provided at no cost to teachers who want to incorporate the Essay Contest into their classroom.

The Contest is sponsored by the History Channel. "We are pleased to support the Bill of Rights Institute's Being an American Essay Contest," said Dr. Libby O'Connell, SVP, Corporate Outreach and Chief Historian, History Channel. "The contest encourages students to think critically and truly makes the past relevant in their lives today."

The Essay Contest serves as a key part of the Bill of Rights Institute's mission to educate young people about the words and ideas of America's Founders, the liberties guaranteed in our Founding documents, and how our Founding principles continue to affect and shape a free society. Complete contest details can be found below.





North Eastern Region:
Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont

Southern Region:
Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, D.C., West Virginia as well as Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands

Mid-Western Region:
Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin

Central Region:
Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming

Western Region:
Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington as well as Guam, American Samoa, and American Armed Forces Schools Abroad (APO)

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: Bill of Rights Institute, Arlington, VA.

The Bill of Rights Institute, founded in 1999, is a nonprofit educational organization. The mission of the Bill of Rights Institute is to educate young people about the words and ideas of America's Founders, the liberties guaranteed in our Founding documents, and how our Founding principles continue to affect and shape a free society.

FUNDING PROVIDED BY: History Channel (New York City, NY).

CONTEST GOAL: To help promote dialogue among students and teachers about American Founding principles. The Essay Contest serves as a key part of the Bill of Rights Institute's mission to educate young people about the words and ideas of America's Founders, the liberties guaranteed in our Founding documents, and how our Founding principles continue to affect and shape a free society.

ESSAY QUESTION: "How does the Constitution establish and maintain a culture of liberty?"

ELIGIBILITY: Students in grades 9-12 who are U.S. citizens or legal residents and are either attending public, private, religious, or charter schools, being home-schooled, or participating in a GED or correspondence school program but are no older than 19 years of age.  Military bases and U.S. territories are also invited to participate.

ESSAY LENGTH: No more 1,000 words.


  • Adherence to Essay Question
  • Originality
  • Organization
  • Writing Style
  • Depth of Analysis

JUDGES: High school teachers

STUDENT CASH PRIZES: Three cash prizes per region will be awarded to students:

  • First Prize: $1,000 each
  • Second Prize: $500 each
  • Third Prize: $250 each

TEACHER CASH PRIZES: Cash prizes of $100 will be awarded to the teachers of all winning students:

CONTEST START DATE: September 17, 2011

DEADLINE FOR ESSAY SUBMISSIONS: December 15, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. PST. All essays must be submitted at www.BillofRightsInstitute.org/Submit.


WEB SITE AND CONTEST GUIDELINES: www.BillofRightsInstitute.org/Contest

Treasurer Fitzgerald Encourages Iowans to Start Saving by Registering for a Chance to Win a $200 College Savings Iowa Account Plus an Autographed Football

DES MOINES, IA (11/08/2011)(readMedia)-- State Treasurer Michael L. Fitzgerald is encouraging Iowans to think about saving for their loved ones future higher educational expenses while cheering on their favorite college team this fall. "Much like the college football season, the time to start saving for college is over before you know it," Fitzgerald said. "That is why we want families to know it's never too early to start planning for their children's future education."

As a way to raise awareness about the importance of saving for higher education, College Savings Iowa is giving away three $200 College Savings Iowa accounts plus an autographed football from the University of Iowa, Iowa State and the University of Northern Iowa's head football coaches. For more information and to enter the giveaway, please visit www.iowa529contest.com.

College Savings Iowa is an affordable, tax-advantaged option for families who are saving for their children's higher education. It takes just $25 to open a College Savings Iowa account, and anyone - parents, grandparents, friends and relatives - can invest on behalf of a child. Participants who are Iowa taxpayers can deduct contributions up to $2,865 per beneficiary account from their adjusted gross income in 2011 and there no income or residency restrictions.*

Investors do not need to be a state resident and can withdraw their investment federally tax-free to pay for qualified higher education expenses including tuition, books, supplies and certain room and board costs at any eligible college, university, community college or technical training school in the United States or abroad. To learn more about College Savings Iowa, go to www.my529iowaplan.com or call 1-888-332-7545.

*Adjusted annually for inflation if withdrawals are not qualified, the deductions must be added back to Iowa taxable income. The earnings portion of nonqualified withdrawals may be subject to federal income tax and a 10% federal penalty tax, as well as state and local income taxes. The availability of tax or other benefits may be contingent on meeting other requirements.

Investment returns are not guaranteed and you could lose money by investing in the plan. Participants assume all investment risks as well as the responsibility for any federal and state tax consequences. If you are not an Iowa taxpayer, consider before investing whether your or the designated beneficiary's home state offers any state tax or other benefits that are only available for investments in such state's qualified tuition program.

Quad City residents are fortunate to have the ability to choose from a variety of educational options for their children.  These alternatives give parents the power and freedom to choose a setting that works best for their children.  Are you aware of the options available in your community?  Join us!

What: Rivermont Open House Coffee
When: Saturday, November 12th - 8:30-11:00 a.m.
Where: Rivermont Collegiate - Becherer Hall - 1821 Sunset Drive, Bettendorf, IA 52722

What: Rivermont Open House
When: Thursday, November 17th - 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Where: Rivermont Collegiate - Becherer Hall - 1821 Sunset Drive, Bettendorf, IA 52722

These informal open houses are fantastic opportunities to tour campus and explore Rivermont's philosophy and curriculum.  Rivermont Collegiate is the Quad Cities' only private, independent, nonsectarian college prep school, serving students in preschool through grade 12.

No appointment necessary!  Brittany Marietta, Director of Admission, will be on hand to provide tours and answer questions.

Dear Rivermont Community:

Professional development is an important facet of Rivermont's commitment to lifelong learning.  Our students, however, are not the only learners.  Our faculty, administrators and trustees also take on this commitment.  The Independent Schools Association of the Central States, ISACS provides valuable professional development opportunities to Rivermont in addition to accreditation services.  Each year ISACS sponsors a conference for teachers and administrators where ideas, best practices, opportunities and challenges are shared.  This is especially beneficial since the participating schools are like Rivermont -- independent, private schools.  This year's conference theme is Innovation:  Thinking Outside the Box and features a keynote from Guy Kawasaki, formerly from Apple, co-founder of Alltop.com and founding partner of Garage Technology Ventures and author of nine books, his newest being Enchantment:  The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions, was released in March 2011.  Also presenting is Jane McGonigal, PhD, a world-renowned designer of alternate reality games - or, games that are designed to improve real lives and solve real problems.  Gaming might seem contradictory to the intellectual pursuits of a college prep environment but Dr. McGonagal reminded us that the opposite of play is not work, it is depression.  She then proceeded to share some attitude altering insights.

This year, Becca Ashby, Colleen McCarty, Carrie Skillin and Kathy Topalian have joined me in attending this 2-day conference in Detroit.  In addition to the two keynote speakers mentioned several other featured speakers and leaders in independent school education are presenting sessions relevant to all aspects of school.  We have already learned much and we still have another full day to go.  We all look forward to returning to Rivermont with some fresh ideas and perspectives.

Last week I shared a list of activities on campus and incorrectly listed the matinee of the Upper School play.  That performance will be Saturday, tomorrow, at 1:30 PM with an evening performance at 7:00 PM.

Here is the list once again with the correction.

  • Friday, November 4 - Murder by the Book - US Fall Play set in our own Mansion, 7:00 PM
  • Saturday, November 5 - Murder by the Book - 1:30 PM and 7:00 PM performances
  • Monday, November 7 - Fall Sports Night, 6:30 PM in the Cafeteria
  • November 7-18 - Iowa Assessments for Grades 2-8 (formerly ITBS) - Get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast!
  • Tuesday, November 8 - First Middle School Boys Basketball game of season (Away)
  • Wednesday, November 9 - Parents Council Meeting, 8:30 AM in the Cafeteria
  • Wednesday, November 9 - FAFSA Workshop for Senior parents and open to the public, 7:00 PM
  • Thursday, November 10 - Student Hunger Drive Loading Day and Finale Rally at RiverBend FoodBank
  • Friday, November 11 - Veterans Day Assembly
  • Saturday, November 12 - BEST and SSAT exams given at Rivermont
  • Wednesday, November 16 - QC Arts, Jon Faddis Assembly
  • Thursday, November 17 - Public Open House, 6:00-8:00 PM - Invite your friends & colleagues
  • Monday, November 21 - Rivermont performance at Festival of Trees, 2:00-4:00 PM RiverCenter.  Continue the fun with Rivermont Family Dinner Night at Chick-fil-A on 53rd Street/Elmore in Davenport
  • Tuesday, November 22 - First Home game for Middle School Boys Basketball, 4:30 PM vs. Morning Star
  • Tuesday, November 22 - 6:00 PM Alumni Volleyball & 7:00 PM Basketball Game Night
  • Wednesday, November 23 - Grandparents & Special Friends Day, Assembly at 10:30 AM
  • Wednesday, November 30 - First Varsity Boys Basketball Game of Season vs. Scattergood Friends, 6:30 PM (Home)
  • Thursday, December 8 - Winter Concert, 7:00 PM in the Auditorium
  • Saturday, December 10 - Holiday Mansion Open House, 4:00-7:00 PM
  • Wednesday, December 14 - Early School Winter Program, 10:45 AM in the Auditorium
  • December 14-16 - Upper School Semester Exam Days
  • Thursday, December 15 - Public Open House, 6:00-8:00 PM - Invite your friends & colleagues
  • Friday, December 16 - December Break begin at 3:30 PM Dismissal
  • See you back on Monday, January 2, 2012!

No spectators here, only participants!
