WASHINGTON DC (May 24, 2019) — Senator Charles "Chuck" Grassley released the following video message in honor of the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of their country.

Transcript available below.

“On Memorial Day, our nation remembers and honors all those who have paid the ultimate price in service to our country.

DES MOINES, IOWA (May 24, 2019) — Governor Kim Reynolds and Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg on Friday released their public schedules for Monday, May 27–Sunday, June 2, 2019.

The following events are open to credentialed members of the media:


Monday, May 27

Gov Reynolds commemorates Memorial Day at Camp Dodge

Iowa Gold Star Military Museum

6107 NW 78th Ave

Johnston, Iowa



DES MOINES - Today, Governor Kim Reynolds vetoed House File 732, an act relating to Iowa’s existing medical-cannabidiol program.

Gov Reynolds said the following in HF732’s transmittal letter:

DES MOINES, IOWA (May 24, 2019) — MedPharm Iowa, along with thousands of Iowa patients, are greatly disappointed by Governor Kim Reynolds’ veto of House File 732. Her decision today, despite the support of 80% of Iowans and a strong bipartisan majority of the Iowa House and Senate, will greatly hurt Iowans trying to fight debilitating medical conditions. 

WASHINGTON DC (May 24, 2019) — The Senate passed a resolution by Senator Chuck Grassley (R- Iowa), co-founder and co-chair of the Senate Caucus on Foster Youth, recognizing May as National Foster Care Month.

DES MOINES, IOWA (May 24, 2019) — Today, Beto O’Rourke’s campaign in Iowa announced the endorsement of Lou McDonald, Polk County Soil and Water District Commissioner.

DAVENPORT IOWA (May 24, 2019) — As Memorial Day approaches, we salute all who wore the uniform and remember that freedom comes at a cost. Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, honors those who died in our nation’s service, whether they were family, friends, or fellow citizens we never knew.

WASHINGTON DC (May 24, 2019) — Senator Charles "Chuck" Grassley issued the following statement after the Senate voted to approve a package of disaster aid, which included Sen Grassley’s amendment designed to provide relief to farmers that lost stored grain in recent floods:

WASHINGTON DC (May 24, 2019) — For years, Congress has enacted laws to provide an incentive for tax-payers to engage in activities that are good for the country, such as job-creation, capital-investment, and utilizing alternative-energy like wind, solar, and biodiesel. These incentives are most effective when tax-payers can rely on them during the tax year and know that they will exist for a certain duration ahead of time.

WASHINGTON DC (May 24, 2019) — Representative Dave Loebsack will return to Davenport, today, Friday, to receive an update on the flood-recovery and clean-up efforts happening in the downtown area. In the immediate aftermath of the floods, Rep Loebsack and Governor Kim Reynolds toured the areas to view the damage.
